* Experience in web development, both front-end and back-end.
* Capable of deploying services on linux servers with Docker, Nginx and Apache.
* Knowledge of JEST for JavaScript/Typescript.
Ganhe o mundo program - English (Intermediate 2)
2011 - 2013
English course that was taken during high school.
Bachelor's degree in Information Systems (UFRPE)
2014 - 2023
Web developer at Prefeitura Municipal de Serra Talhada
2016 - 2020
Developing and maintaining the city hall portal, as well as some others web apps for internal and public use.
Freelancer - Portal Nayn Neto
2018 - 2019
News website development and server management.
Technologies that I've used before:
Mercado Tools
A set of tools to analyze data from the stock market. The front was built with Angular and the chats displayed with ngx-charts library. Django was used for the API, with the help of a library called yfinance that retrieves data from Yahoo Finance.
Stack: Angular, Tailwind, Django, Python, Typescript, ngx-charts, yfinance, Nginx, Docker, Gunicorn.
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